I could go on for days about this product but the short and simple is.... Ready Seal may just be the best product ever invented.
We just completed a remodel on our 70 year old farmhouse and after using over 25 gallons of this stuff on my exterior porches & bead board ceilings I can tell you it performs exactly how they say it will.
We completely rebuilt our wraparound porch which was 80x8 in the front, 40x8 along the side, and 80x10 in the back. We also added bead board ceilings on the entire porch as well and EVERY inch of the new porch and ceiling was stained with Ready Seal.
Easiest product I have ever used. We used a stain pad for the deck boards & a 4” stain brush for the ceiling (and yes there are way easier ways to apply, I’m just a glutton for punishment I think) but the house was already painted so I did not want to use a sprayer.
Doesn’t matter how heavy you apply it...never once streaked on us, never once had to back-brush, self leveled exactly like they said it would. As I said earlier, for a DIY person this might seriously be the best product ever made.
We chose the pecan color to give a cedar feel to the porch & ceiling and it turned out awesome.
Seriously, just buy some and I promise this product will speak for itself and you’ll be glad that you did. After applying over 25 gallons I can assure you it was the best product I used during our entire remodel.
A professional grade oil based semi-transparent stain and sealer in one